Why do you need a life coach?

People learn, build skills and work to gain expertise in their chosen field.  But, believe it or not having a life coach impacts our work, relationships, wellness and life in general profoundly.

In sports, even the finest athletes get to hear that, "You are never done, everybody needs a coach"

You don't often recognize issues standing in your way. If you do, you don't know how to fix them. As a result somewhere along the way you stop improving.

A life coach is a type of wellness professional who helps people make progress in their lives in order to attain greater fulfillment. They aid their clients in improving their relationships, careers, and day-to-day lives. They can help you clarify your goals, identify the obstacles holding you back, and then come up with strategies for overcoming each obstacle. In creating these strategies, life coaches target your unique skills and gifts. By helping you to make the most of your strengths, they provide the support you need to achieve long-lasting change.

Listed below are few instances when and why do you need a coach.

Your life, business, career, relationship, etc., is already good, but you want it to be much, much better. 
Coaching isn't a crisis intervention nor is it a substitute for psychotherapy, or advice from a professional such as an  accountant, physician, etc. If things are basically good, but you know they could be a lot better , reach your full potential and you're ready for that to happen, that's a great time for you to hire a coach.

When you're going through a big transition. 
Change can be difficult, even when it's what you want. Anytime you go through a big transition such as starting a new business or career, getting divorced, moving to a new city, going back to school, etc., it's a great time to have someone who believes in you and who can help you make the most crucial choices as smoothly as possible.

When  life feels a little shallow, or you don't know why you do what you do anymore.
At these times, you could really benefit from working with a good coach. They help us bring clarity and focus in what we do. And helps us to find what we are truly passionate about doing.

When you accomplish great things
People who accomplish great things often need to upgrade their lives trmendously before that's even possible. They need clearer boundaries, a physical environment that's supportive, more organization (or an organized assistant), enough rest, great stress management etc. Otherwise, "death by a thousand cuts" will slice their dreams to shreds. Good coaches know how to assist their clients to get the wonderful self care they truly need, to step into the lives they were built to live.

When you face internal blocks and blocked creativity. 
In fact, eliminating all sorts of internal blocks is one of the ways good coaches help their clients enjoy success of all kinds. Coach also helps you to get into action when you feel stuck, unmotivated or  procrastinating.

When you're willing to invest in yourself.  This is about so much more than money. Are you prepared to take the time and  effort in order to have the life or business of your dreams? Or are you satisfied playing small? Are you ready to stop talking about your dreams and start living them? If you had the right coach in your corner, would you have the courage to step into your greatness?

When you want to change your mindset and the limiting beliefs about yourself.  
Coaches help you identify and align your values, create a focus, cut through clutter, clear tolerations, challenge your limiting beleifs, help you set bigger targets and helps you achive them. A  coach help you to dream bigger and get out of that limited reality.

When you want to focus on self development. 
Coaches help you to identify weaknesses that you need to fix and your strengths. They can help you invest time and energy only in the most fruitful opportunities. They help you to create a new version of yourself.

Coaches help you to be accountable.
They keep you on track and moving forward toward new levels of  achievement. For many of us, having someone we answer to motivates us to act. They ask you questions and give tools to get you back to track. They remind you of your commitment.

Coaches help to identify blind spots.
They help you figure out what you don’t know, and they help you see things you may not be able to see. They will be honest with you because they are not vested in any specific outcome. Great coaches are your external eyes and ears, providing a more accurate picture of reality. They recognize the fundamentals, break the actions down and helps you to build them up again.

When you want to achieve something that you haven't achieved before or when you want to break a pattern
This becomes impossible when engaging in the same kind of habits. We find our life run in automation. A coach can clearly see what habits are holding you back and help create habits that empower you.

A life coach help you find awareness towards where you are right now and who you are
right now and help you grow towards where and who you want to be. Coaches are the greatest support system for your transformation and growth. 

Seeking a coach is not a sign of weakness but a sign that you are ready to empower yourself and make your life more valuable.  


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